Relocation Story - Mr & Mrs "U"


At Kathryn Hall Agency, we help many international families relocate to Sydney. Most of our clients were expats, moving to Sydney for work, but recently we see a change. More and more people who decide on their own to come and live in Sydney are engaging us for relocation services. These people relocate to Sydney to study English or just get the taste of life down under.


U family ProfileIt can be tough for these people. No job, no tenant record, no referees in Australia. It is even harder if you relocate as a family under such circumstances as you need to prove that you are financially reliable, responsible and trustworthy, not just for yourself but for the whole family. Australian laws may forbid landlords and agents from discriminating tenants based on nationality or income but you can understand it if a home owner wants to choose tenants that appear the most trouble-less on paper.


Today I would like to look at the case of the U family whom we assisted recently and how they successfully secured a rental property in Sydney.


Are you wanting $100 wine with $10?

Reality check

Reality check

Are your expectations realistic? How far are your “wishes” from what market is actually offering? Good way to check this is to look at the average rent in the suburb. Say you want to rent a unit in Bondi Junction. The average rent for 1 bedroom unit is $600 and $800 for 2 bed. This gives you an indication that if your budget is below $550, you would be better off looking at other suburbs so you don’t waste time which usually also means more money.


In the case of the U family, their budget was extremely tight and they were trying to find something in Eastern suburbs, the most expensive areas of Sydney. We would not have recommended the East but they had already paid for their English school in Bondi Junction before engaging our service. If this were not the case, we would have advised to choose a school in CBD or Manly.


Options – Go further away or up the budget


The U family’s initial preference was to stick to the budget and travel further. The problem with Eastern suburbs is by going further you might find more drastic changes, in safety or atmosphere of the suburbs. In any case we tried to stick to the initial budget and searched in more affordable suburbs 30-40 min away from Bondi Junction. Suburbs such as Rockdale and Hurstville caught their eyes.


Rockdale is home to Sydney’s working class population. As the U family is originally from a gentler part of Japan, I recommended “up the budget” option but they were now keen on Rockdale and I made an appointment to see one property.


Seeing is Believing


They didn’t like the suburb, nor the property we inspected. I did warn them but I guess they had to see it for themselves. Personally, these suburbs are quite interesting with lots of exotic eateries and generally you get more value for money. Now that Rockdale is out, we are going for option 2 – up the budget.


They decided to go for a 2 bedroom in Eastern suburbs. If they find themselves financially challenged later, they could get a flat mate. I recommended Maroubra or Kensington. After a bit of internet and phone research, we picked 5 properties in Maroubra to inspect. The U family ended up submitting two applications. I called the agents a number of times. This is important as we get a better picture of what’s going on. Things like owner overseas, won’t take 6 months lease, how many applications received, someone offering more rent and so on.   We find out that the unit the U family liked the best had another couple offering more rent. My clients liked this unit enough to want to offer more rent ($10/wk) to match their competition. I called the over and over and told her how keen we are and ready to put a deposit in.


Mission complete

Key to successful house hunting

Key to successful house hunting

This is how we successfully secured the new home in Maroubra for the U family. I am particularly pleased, not only because they got the best house but also that they completed their house hunting within the initial time frame which was 2 weeks. Otherwise, the U family would have had to find another temporary accommodation, wasting more time and money.


By the way, I told the U family that Golden Unicorn in Maroubra offers the best Yum Cha in the Eastern Suburbs. At Kathryn Hall Agency we don’t just find you a home. We want to make you feel like you have gained a friend.


The information in this article is of a general nature. While care has been taken preparing this information The Kathryn Hall Agency does not warrant, represent or guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or fitness for any other purpose that the article may be used. Kathryn Hall Real Estate accepts no liability for any loss or damage (whether caused by negligence or not) resulting from use of information.





U family




多くの外国人の移住をお手伝いするリロケーションエージェント、キャサリン・ホール・エージェンシーでは、以前は駐在のご家族のアシストが多かったのですが、近年、Uさん家族のように会社の後ろ盾なしで自主的に移住し、シドニーライフを楽しむ、 英語を勉強する、そんな方が弊社サービスを利用するケースが増えています。

現地で定職なし。賃貸履歴なし。同居人数は多い。このような家族が賃貸物件を見つける上で難点は、家賃や損害の支払い能力また信用できる人柄の裏付けに乏しいこと。 外国人の差別を禁止する法律があっても、家主にしてみれば、書面上で支払い能力が高く、リスクが低いと判断できる人をエージェントのアドバイスを考慮して選ぶのです。








まず、現実にそぐわない予算です。希望と現実がかけ離れていると、家探しに時間がかかり、費用を無駄にします。予算がきつい場合、シドニーで一番高いイースタンサバーブ(東部)は避けたいところ。ですが、渡豪する前にBondi Junctionの語学学校を決めてしまっていた状況でした。事前にご相談いただけたらノース(北部)の学校をお勧めしていたのでしょう。








運転もしない、ということで、公共交通の便の良さそうなところで、それほど遠くない街をネットでリサーチ。結果、空港に近いRockdaleに焦点を当て、物件をひとつ内見。一回で気に入った家を見つけるのは難しいのですが、Uさん家族にはRockdaleという街自体が、実際に行ってみると自分たちの想像するシドニーとはかなり違い愕然。 移民や労働者の多いRockdale。旅行者が想像するシドニーとは雰囲気が違う、と事前にご説明はしていたのですが、サイトを見て話を聞くのと、実際にその街に行き自分の目で確かめ、雰囲気を体感するのでは違います。余談ですが、シドニーに長い私には、移民が織りなすグルメ文化や、物価の安さは魅力とも言えるのですが。




次のオプションは予算をアップし、住みたいエリアで検討。予算は変えず、2ベッドではなく1ベッドルームを探す、という案もあったのですが、 まず1ベッドに家族3人で住むのは、こちらがよくても、シドニーの感覚では詰め込みすぎ。実際、Vaucluseというユダヤ人の多い高級住宅街に予算内の1ベッド物件を見つけ、参考までに行ってみたのですが、家の前で15人近くがエージェントを待つ人気ぶり。まずこのあたりでは$500代の物件は出ませんし、ほとんどがカップルか一人暮らしで、家族連れには見込み薄な物件。こうも競争率が高いと、書類が不十分な外国人には不利、とご納得いただき、次は予算アップで2ベッドを検討することに。




シドニー東部の魅力といえば海沿いのライフスタイル。ですが、Bondi、Rose Bay、Bronteといった辺りは予算が合いません。そこで、穴場のRandwick、Kensington、Maroubraとリサーチし、Maroubraでもビーチ近くよりも便利なMaroubra Junctionに絞り、2ベッドを5件内見しました。そのうち2つの物件が気に入ったUさんご夫婦、すぐ申込書を提出。これは渡豪する前から念入りに一緒に準備してきた申込書です。家主に審査される間に、弊社は何度もエージェントに電話をし、様子を把握します。一番気に入った物件は$650でしたが、他の候補者が$660を提示してきた、という情報を掴み、こちらも金額をマッチすると伝えました。


こうして、第一希望を無事契約することができたUさん家族。予定通りのタイミングで家探しが終結し、短期宿泊所を他に探す必要もなく 、弊社も一安心。




Key後日、一緒に不動産会社に行って契約書に署名し、鍵を受け取り、いよいよ入居ですが、不動産会社とのやりとりはまだ終わりではありません。台所の電球が外れそう、バスルームのタイルが一部欠けている、など問題を記録するコンディションレポートが鍵と一緒に渡されます。不動産会社は物件の状態を事前にチェックしていてレポートに記入済みなので、それを確認し、見落とされた破損や不具合はないか、こちら側のレポートも記録して送り返します。 両者でこのレポートに最終的に合意できたら、ひとまず一段落です。


ちなみに、Uさん家族にも教えて差し上げましたが、マルーブラには『Golden Unicorn』という飲茶が美味しい中華があります。そんな現地にお友達ができたように感じていただけるのが、キャサリン・ホール・エージェンシーのサービスです。




family Relocation
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