Buying an Investment with a Buyers Agent

How to maximize your rental income – 2 Tips

We are often asked how to increase our rental investment when we are working as a Buyers Agent seeking to find the most suitable investment property that we can.

Our first tip is Location: It often comes down to convenience especially in the Sydney metropolitan area where traffic is now becoming the biggest infrastructure issue, which we believe will not change. Our suburbs have become congested and avoiding peak hour traffic is becoming the norm. So with this in mind having a location close to public transport is imperative for an investment especially for both long tern growth and rental income.

Properties that offer walk to the ferry, or train station are high on the list. Access to a really good public or private bus run that has direct access and express traffic lanes will attract tenants who are prepared to forgo the car and pay a higher rent.

Loosing the car is now a growing industry and methodology. Cars can be an expensive exercise. So if a tenant does not need a car then they will look and consider a slightly higher rent.

Our Second tip is furniture:

Not all tenants are looking for a furnished rentals but from our experience there are a number of tenants who need accommodation with furniture. This will increase your rent. But remember offering a furnished property means that you as the landlord are required to maintain and or replace the furniture.

As Relocation Agent in Sydney as well, we have a high degree of inquiry for furnished properties.

If you are looking to buy an investment property and need the assistance of a Buyers Agent then give us a call. We are on your side, we seek, research, find, negotiate the property that fits your needs. Remember a Buyers Agent is on your side.

At Kathryn Hall Real Estate we love buying property! So give a call on 9918 9568 or contact us at

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